This blog post talks about using Infer
and Lint
code analysis tools in android applications,to avoid potential pitfals.
Facebook Infer
Facebook Infer for android reports potential null pointer exceptions
and resource leaks
in Android and Java code. Checkout the get started page to setup infer environment.
Please make sure you have installed all the dependencies required
script should return with no issues found therefore compiling the infer.
Once the infer is compiled and ready, download the gradle wrapper by running ./gradlew clean
, now use infer --- ./gradlew build
But i personally make use of infer ----debug ---- ./gradlew build
that outputs the additional debug informations such as possible Class Cast Exception etc and generates html pages for each file about analysis done. Also in the build.gradle add lintOptions so that it will stop gradle build in case of any errors found.
note that if your running infer multiple times use infer -- incremental ./gradlew build
If you get error saying infer command not found re-compile the infer using ./
and then try again. In case the error still persists then infer is not compiled properly, this might be due to the reason that all dependencies are not installed in your computer. After a successful Infer run,infer-out a directory is created to store the results of the analysis.
Structure of infer-out:
1.Procs.csv and stats.json: contain debug information about the run.
2.Bugs.txt, report.csv, and report.json: contain the Infer reports in three different formats.
3.The log/, multicore/, and sources/ folders: are used internally to drive the analyzer.
4.Captured: contains information for each file analyzed by Infer(also see the html pages with detailed analysis if infer is used with debug
Checkout my sample app that has infer-out folder along with the html pages with detailed analysis inside captured folder.
Android Lint
This tool checks your Android project source files for potential bugs and optimization improvements for correctness. This is inbuilt tool in Android Studio, and it automatically runs once you compile the code,you can also run it manually by right clicking in the IDE Analyze > Inspect Code, moreover you can also analyze dependencies, cyclic dependencies etc. You can also invoke this through command line. $ ./gradlew lint
(in linux and osx).
And the Lint results will be a html page in the mobile/build/outputs/lint-results.html
. i personally feel lint in a way is more advanced and consider’s more paramters into the account while dumping the results in the lint-results.html
The optimization tips in the lint-results.html will take all the paramters(such as Security,Performance,Overdraw,Unused resources etc) into the consideration.
More Reading:
1.For more details about the Lint visit the developer website.
2.You can also build Custom Lint
checks if you think that built-in Lint checks are not enough,get started by visiting this blog post.