Karthik's Blog

Using object keyword in kotlin.

Introduction In this post, we’ll understand the usage of object keyword in kotlin Object key word in kotlin literally means the object of the class, now this keyword can be used in three differen...

Wealth ≠ Money

Interesting concept about wealth and money that I read in paul graham’s book Hackers & Painters. Often times we mistake wealth for money, wealth is something that people want. You make money ...

More than writing code

Key takeaways from the book Effective programing: more than writing code by Jeff Atwood. A. 8 levels of programmers.: I won’t be going in detail, jeff’s blog post explains it better, programmer w...

Custom Loading Animation

Improve user experience by adding your own custom loading animation, this blog post talks about creating a simple loading animation. ##Introduction Progress bars let the user know that the device ...

Using static code analysis tools

This blog post talks about using Infer and Lint code analysis tools in android applications,to avoid potential pitfals. Facebook Infer Facebook Infer for android reports potential null pointer ex...

Debugging with Stetho

Stetho is facebook open sourced debug tool that brings in chrome developer features natively for android applications with the help of okhttp interceptors. Getting started To get started add de...

FAB to dialog transistion and vice versa.

In this blog post i am gonna show you how to implement smooth transition between dialog and a fab,similar to Nick Butcher’s famous Plaid app. Fab to dialog transition is achieved by having tran...

Curved animation of FAB

This blog post demonstrates on how to implement curved FAB motion and add circular reveal animation to it. Animations We will split the animation into arc motion animation and circular reveal an...